Daniella Obuwan Oshiame
2 min readApr 3, 2023


Being a vegan can be challenging, especially when it comes to social situations. As a friend of a vegan, there are a few things you can do to support them and make their experience easier. Here are some tips for being a good vegan friend:

1. Respect their choices

Being vegan is a personal choice, and it’s important to respect your friend’s decision to follow a vegan lifestyle. Avoid making jokes or negative comments about their diet, and try to be understanding if they decline certain invitations or food options.

2. Educate yourself

Take the time to learn about veganism and the reasons why your friend has chosen this lifestyle. This will help you understand their perspective and make it easier to have conversations about veganism without offending them.

3. Be accommodating

When planning meals or social events, try to include vegan options that your friend can enjoy. This could mean choosing a restaurant with vegan options or preparing a vegan dish for a potluck.

4. Don’t take it personally

If your friend declines an invitation or food option, don’t take it personally. It’s not a reflection of their feelings towards you, but rather a decision based on their personal beliefs and values.

5. Support their activism

If your friend is involved in animal rights activism or other vegan-related causes, show your support by attending events or sharing their message on social media.

6. Be mindful of your language

Avoid using phrases like "I could never give up meat" or "but bacon is so good." These comments can be hurtful and dismissive of your friend’s beliefs. Instead, try to be open-minded and ask questions about their veganism.

7. Always plan ahead

If you’re going out to eat with your vegan friend, make sure to choose a restaurant that has vegan options. You can also offer to cook a vegan meal for them or bring a vegan dish to a picnic.

By following these tips, you can be a supportive and understanding friend to your vegan friend. Remember, being vegan is a personal choice, and it's important to respect and support your friend's decision.



Daniella Obuwan Oshiame

|Freelance, Vegan, Health & Nutrition Writer|Ghost Writer|Vegan Content Writer @VeganMelanatedMagazineUK, @ CasaVeganNG & VeggieVictoryNG |Writer @TheHealthCit