7 Ways To Raise Your Vibration As A Woman

Daniella Obuwan Oshiame
3 min readNov 28, 2021


Too often, women struggle with low vibrational energies, due to tasking jobs, high responsibilities, and expectations from family members; making them feel low and depressed.

A few years ago my vibration was so low. I was always depressed, cranky, confused, and angry about life. I felt completely stuck with no idea how to move forward. I was filled with a whole host of limiting beliefs that were holding me back until I learned the 7 vibrational forces that changed my life. These forces raised my vibrational levels, leaving me feeling energized and enthusiastic about life.

The time has come for women around the world to raise their vibrational forces. Here are 7 ways to do so.

(1) Eat High Nutrient Foods

All foods carry frequency-based messages and can change our energetic vibrations. Various nutrients in your diet can help promote the health of your cells, and therefore the health of your overall being. Food is information. The foods you choose to eat are changing the expression of your DNA.

Eating healthy foods every day can significantly raise your vibration. High vibrational foods like whole plant-based foods, such as whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, are best because they are high in essential nutrients and can ultimately boost your brain health and help you think clearly about how to navigate your job, take care of your family and everyone around you.

Your body absorbs the nutrients from these foods, making you energized, light, and alive. But if you eat a lot of dead energy foods like red meat, junk, and processed foods, you will lower your vibration; making you feel cranky and intolerable.

(2) Meditate
Meditation can help calm a troubled soul- says Mary Martins, a meditation expert. It helps to relieve stress, anxiety, and even depression.

For a woman who is always stressed, find a quiet place and focus on her breath for a few minutes. By taking deep breaths, your heart rate slows down, and excess oxygen enters your bloodstream and eventually communicates with your brain to chill and relax. Make sure your mind is focused and not wandering.

(3) Yoga
Yoga encourages flexibility- says Samantha Williams, a Yoga Instructor. If you are a woman who loves yoga, you can try any pose that you are comfortable with because the more you move your body, the more your energy vibrates. So if you are feeling down, yoga can help raise your spirit, mood, and vibration.

(4) Hanging out in nature
Getting sun-kissed and allowing fresh air to blow through your body can raise your vibration. It helps to soothe your mind and calm your raging nerves.

As a woman, it is always a good idea to take a break from your busy life and reconnect with nature. This will completely enhance your mood positively. Do take a quiet walk around the park, your street, the garden, and watch how your vibration levels will increase.

(5) Practice gratitude
Being thankful for the things you have and for the amazing family and friends in your life, instantly puts you into a higher vibrational state. Rather than lamenting about the things you do not have, or the things you could not achieve, make a list of all the things you are thankful for, including the amazing people in your life, that way you end the day with a positive mindset.

(6) Dancing
Dancing lightens up your mood. It brings joy and happiness to anyone who is down. Dancing restores your happy mood and keeps negative thoughts at bay.

All you need do is to play your favorite songs and dance them out, and feel the positive energy move through you.

(7) Think positivity
"What you think is what you become". As women, our thoughts always affect how we feel and act, and most times bad events are not as aggravating as we make them seem. If you harbor bad thoughts, you may find that you are drawn to situations that memorialize these feelings. Do not disregard negative emotions but do not overthink low-vibrational thoughts either.

Putting these seven vibrational ways to work can ultimately raise your vibration as a woman, thus enabling you to live a positive, happy, and fulfilled life with friends, loved ones, and family members.



Daniella Obuwan Oshiame

|Freelance, Vegan, Health & Nutrition Writer|Ghost Writer|Vegan Content Writer @VeganMelanatedMagazineUK, @ CasaVeganNG & VeggieVictoryNG |Writer @TheHealthCit